Can a Smartwatch Make It Easier to Complete a Sleep Log?
Filling out the SomniLog can be challenging. Some readers avoid it completely. Fortunately, you can still practice most of the techniques described in the SomniSkills Workbook without completing a SomniLog.1 Still, the SomniLog provides a valuable understanding of your sleep patterns. For that reason alone, we urge all readers to complete as much of the […]
How Effective is Sleep Restriction Therapy?
How Effective is Sleep Restriction Therapy? In this brief report, I will be summarizing a scientific review of the effectiveness of Sleep Restriction Therapy (SRT). Readers of the SomniSkills Workbook are familiar with SRT, which is basically the same procedure as Sleep Episode Rationing (SER), described in Chapter 12. We call it Sleep Episode Rationing […]
Research: A “To-Do List” Can Help You Sleep Better
Readers of the SomniSkills Workbook know that pre-sleep “rituals” can have a significant impact on how we sleep. The chapter on “Sleep Hygiene” describes a variety of recommendations about how to manage the hour or two before going to bed. One consistent message: winding down before trying to sleep increases your chances of sleeping well. […]
Don’t Let A “Bad” Night’s Sleep Ruin Your Day — Use Cognitive Therapy with Behavioral Experiments to ward off erroneous negative expectations that can spoil the day.
Do you ever worry that a “poor” night’s sleep will spoil the next day? The worry itself can interfere with sleeping well. One way to deal with this problem is to employ the Cognitive Therapy component of the SomniSkills Program (CBT-I). The essence of Cognitive Therapy is that our thoughts influence how we feel. If […]
Taking The Mystery Out of Sleep Episode Rationing
When reading the SomniSkills Workbook, it is important to keep the basic sleep goal in mind: The goal is to be tired enough to fall asleep within 15 – 20 minutes, and then sleep throughout the night with minimal awakenings. And you want that to happen night after night! In technical terms, you want to […]
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? Hints from Natural Patterns
Do you worry about not getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night? If so, the article in the text box below might help you worry less. People Without Electricity Don’t Get 8 Hours’ Sleep Either BY TRACI WATSON NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PUBLISHED OCTOBER 15, 2015 A study of modern-day groups with a […]